AB DARETM Fitness Program Provides Enormous Motivation
Released on = February 3, 2007, 6:31 am
Press Release Author = Luanne Ribble
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = There are plenty of reasons to lose weight and get in top physical condition. Most of us can name at least three or four of our own incentives. You may be motivated by an upcoming special event, like a wedding or class reunion, by simply wanting to look in the mirror and like what you see, or by the desire to be healthier and avoid problems associated with being overweight, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, chronic maladies that are rampant in the US and Canada and result in billions of dollars of medical costs each year.
Press Release Body = The AB DARETM Symbiotic Program, exclusively owned by the Symbiotic Training InstituteT, Inc., recognizes that all of these incentives are valid and important. But they\'re offering something more-much more-in the way of motivation: an incredible $100,000 prize to the Master Winner, chosen from program participants on the basis of the most remarkable individual results. In addition, thousands of dollars in other cash prizes will be given away to \"circuit winners,\" as well as vacations, exercise equipment, and recognition awards.
The AB DARETM program prides itself on its 16 years of testing and refinement since 1991. Its developers believe that contenders for the prize will achieve the best results possible in the least amount of time when they follow the specific AB DARETM program. The AB DARETM consists of three circuits, each fourteen weeks long. Circuit one begins in mid-January 2007 and the third circuit ends on December 16, 2007. Registrants for the program can do just one or all three circuits.
\"Symbiotic,\" by the way, describes things that can work independently but work even better together. This symbiotic concept is fundamental to how the AB DARETM program works: The three-part program consists of: (1) 45 minutes of exercise, 6 days a week; (2) seven meals a day for 6 days with a \"Break Day\" or \"anything you want\" day on Day 7; and (3) lifestyle improvement, in which the participant learns that being a giver results in personal gains.
An integral part of the AB DARETM program is the food plan, which includes three nutritional shakes and three nutritional puddings each day, as well as one regular meal composed of high-quality protein and carbohydrates. Participants must use shakes and puddings authorized by the AB DARETM program. These can be purchased from Qualified Universal Improvement Consultants (Q.U.I.C.) at . Their N.R.G. shakes and puddings, used as the AB DARETM program suggests, far exceed the US Government RDA of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, including daily requirements for protein and carbohydrates. Along with deprivation-free weight loss, these mega-nutrition products promise improved mental clarity, repair of cell damage, and heightened energy levels, among other plusses.
So in addition to the possibility of winning $100,000 or another prize, what kind of results can an AB DARETM participant expect? AB DARETM\'s developer used the program himself and lost 37 pounds of fat, or 16%, of his body fat, gained 20 pounds of muscle, and took in his belt 7 notches. The amazing thing is that he did it all in just 14 weeks! While everyone\'s results may not mirror these, the program\'s sound research indicates that those who follow the plan will definitely improve their fitness and health and lose unwanted pounds.
Web Site = http://www.healthychoice4all.com
Contact Details = Luanne Ribble President, Q.U.I.C. Inc. 519-322-1117 Phone 877-QUIC-NRG Fax http://www.healthychoice4all.com
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